Auckland 2020

25-26 Nov, Wed–Thu 10am–5pm, ASB Showgrounds

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Alison Richmond

Alison Richmond

Alison Richmond - Founder of Provention

The founder of Provention, Alison qualified as a Physiotherapist in 1990, with a post graduate diploma in manipulative physiotherapy.

For more than 20 years, Alison has been working across a range of industries. She has a wealth of knowledge and experience in designing, teaching and implementing effective injury prevention strategies in the workplace. This means Alison truly understands what happens out there in the real world - not just a physiotherapy clinic.

Her passion for enabling people to prevent injuries by teaching them to become physically aware, combined with her interest in effective learning and habit formation has proved to be a winning combination - the creation of the First Move programs.

Alison is continuously striving to improve the First Move programs and to improve people’s well-being and company effectiveness.

See Alison Richmond live in Auckland 2020

Wednesday 25 November
Why a Physically Intelligent Workforce Matters
12:30pm-1:15pm Speedfloor Education Zone

Understanding what it takes for manual handling training to work long term. Learning a physical skill is not a mystery – we do it all the time, to improve sporting techniques, learn to drive a car or play the piano.

Yet we expect our bodies to behave differently when it comes to learning safe and effective movement skills in the workplace.

In this session we outline in practical, easy-to-understand terms what we can do to take people from unsafe movement habits, to effective, safe ones.

The outcome is a measurable reduction in strain-sprain injuries.

Based on physical movement and sound physical learning principles, the session will be interactive, engaging and educational, providing attendees with learnings they can use within their own workplace.

An informative case study from a large manufacturing plant will highlight how this strategy is successful in the real world, and how it can benefit any organisation, its productivity and its employees.

Following this interactive session participants will leave with an understanding of:

  • What effective training methodology is required to ensure positive and long lasting change in movement habits and a resultant reduction in injuries.
  • Why traditional training models have had minimal impact in reducing injury rates and improving worker well-being being