Auckland 2023

20-21 Jun, Tue–Wed 10am–5pm, Auckland Showgrounds

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Ed Claridge

Ed Claridge

Ed is the Past President of the Institution of Fire Engineers, NZ Branch and former leader of the IFE International General Assembly. He has over 25 years’ experience in the fire industry with degrees in fire science and fire engineering. Ed is a Chartered Professional Engineer and is currently the Principal Fire Engineer for Auckland Council.

See Ed Claridge live in Auckland 2023

Tuesday 20 June
Fire Safety, Reflecting on the Future - Chris Mak, Ed Claridge, Carol Caldwell and Samantha McNaughton (Moderator)
2:45pm-3:30pm Seminar Series

The panel will discuss the importance of all of the stages of the building lifecycle, from the need to get it right from the start, from the infrastructure that goes into the ground (water) and roads built (to get fire trucks there), to design, construction/installation, maintenance and management (including the vulnerability of occupants etc.). They will discuss some of the big issues of the importance of product compliance, why managing and maintaining buildings is essential and all the steps in between. Holistic fire safety is important, and everyone has a part to play, from the person on the end of a mastic gun to the manager of the building doing weekly checks of the fire doors and daily checks of the escape routes. Future challenges, such as intensification and emerging risks, such as energy storage systems, must be predicted.