Auckland 2017

26-27 Sep, Tue–Wed 9pm–4am, ASB Showgrounds

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Melanie Tristram

Melanie Tristram

As BIM manager at Jasmax, Melanie leads BIM integration in Jasmax, furthermore researching additional tools to aide collaboration with consultants and works closely alongside project teams to improve documentation output. Melanie reviews and audits projects to ensure best practice is undertaken with regard to agreed deliverables.

Melanie’s passion for developing systems and protocols to enhance the delivery of projects has aided the increased efficiency of BIM across the practice, and she generously extends her own knowledge back into industry. She was chairperson of the Revit User Group in Auckland between 2010 and 2013, chairperson of the Auckland BIM Group between 2016 and 2017, and now sits on the Wellington BIM Group Committee.

Melanie has spoken at a variety of BIM/Revit conferences in both Australia and America and was a key contributor towards the development of the ANZRS (Australian New Zealand Revit Standards) and the New Zealand BIM Handbook.

See Melanie Tristram live in Auckland 2017

Wednesday 27 September
12:30pm-1:30pm Spotless Seminar Series

Technology isn’t just changing the way we work; it’s also changing the way we manage and operate property. Building Information Modelling is one technology that has the potential for significant impact, in retrofits as well as new builds. If you think you know BIM, think again!

With the Facilities Management Association of New Zealand (FMANZ) we have drawn together a panel of learned experts to provide a forum for debate and to establish what opportunities exist for FM practitioners to capitalise on BIM and related technologies.